法王新闻 | 2006年04月


Saraswati Charitable Trust Begins Construction of Buddhist Retreat and Meditation Centre at Martam

地點:印度 錫金 瑪坦

The Saraswati Trust consecrates
the site for the establishment of a
Buddhist Retreat and Meditation
Center at Martam

撒拉思瓦蒂 慈善基金會

撒拉思瓦蒂慈善基金會(The Saraswati Charitable Trust)在第17世法王噶瑪巴鄔金欽列多傑的指導鼓勵下,正式成立於西元2003年。基金會辦公室註冊於新德里(Jangpura B, New Delhi),而分會則設立在錫金的崗拓(Gangtok, Sikkim),以方便照顧正在進行中的工程計劃。撒拉思瓦蒂慈善基金會成立之目的是為了支持與贊助教育、研究、宗教等團體及許多其他的附屬計劃與目標。法王噶瑪巴擔任此基金會之董事長。

The Saraswati Charitable Trust was set up in the year 2003 as a Public Trust under the inspiration of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The registered office of the Trust is in Jangpura B, New Delhi, with a Branch Office in Gangtok, Sikkim to care for any ongoing projects in the State. The Saraswati Charitable Trust was established to support educational, research and religious institutions, along with many other subsidiary aims and objectives. His Holiness the Karmapa is the Chairman of the Trust.



4月16日,在距離隆德6公里遠的瑪坦,由嘉察仁波切帶領僧眾修持了煙供及破土儀式(Sang and Bumi Puja)的修法,給予了新閉關中心的建地灑淨加持。尊貴的竹奔德千仁波切也一起參與修法。噶瑪突殿先生(前印度駐蒙古大使)也應邀成為法會中的貴賓。

依照西藏傳統的破土灑淨儀式,首先是將地神像畫於主殿位置的地表上,之後再將一寶瓶(Ter-Bum)埋於地底。在供養祈請文之後, 由嘉察仁波切掘第一把土,緊接著是貴賓噶瑪突殿先生及根據傳統需由一位八歲大的女孩來進行掘土以象徵吉祥與好運。


4月17日,舉行一場金剛瑜伽母儀軌的獻供地神修法,而沙壇城的製作也由僧眾們通力完成,沙壇城將被置於主殿中的地底下。在修法 期間,一輪明顯環繞太陽的彩虹出現在上方天空中,被視為一吉祥徵兆。


在金剛瑜伽母法會之後,緊接著舉行薈供。最後由Deputy General Karma Chungyalpa 代表供養,感謝尊貴的嘉察仁波切及所有的僧眾三天來的修法。

The first Project to be undertaken by the Saraswati Trust is the establishment of a Buddhist Retreat and Meditation Centre at Martam, East Sikkim. The consecration of the site was completed on 18th of April, 2006 after an elaborate three day cermony of pujas and prayers led by His Eminence Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Venerable Drupon Dechen Rinpoche , and the monks of Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre and Ralong Palchen Choeling Monastery. Construction work has now commences in earnest. The retreat Centre upon its completion will serve to provide a secluded learning centre for all serious religious practitioners.